Sparse - To Do List
- Allow sqltoolbox to work in a separate window.
- Change the sparse_search[name] linking
to sparse_search_key and sparse_search_value, allowing a user to enter which field he's searching.
- Allow the sqlgoto tag to be exact when
no navigation is included in the template, and possibly add an attribute to allow overriding of navigation.
- Possibly add a checkboxes sqlfield type, designed to split up a single "checkbox" field for more flexible positioning and labeling.
- Add an sqllimit tag allowing the user to decide how many rows to view at once.
- Fix the Ajax throbber to work in Internet Explorer.
- Have the warning log give more warnings (document as many
assumptions as possible).
- Transfer the "sqlrow duplication" in Tag
Referencing from sqltemplate to sqlrow.
- Add username and password attributes to sqltemplate, allowing
to be used with Ajax. - Redesign code to be more exensible, allowing for custom tags and more databases than just MySQL.
- Also use Javascript for input validation on predefined
- Allow Javascript "confirm" for delete buttons.
- Allow the calendar type to apply to
integer fields, which would treat it as a UNIX timestamp
- Allow more constraints for sqlfield -
for example, dates, e-mails, phone numbers.
- Make the sqlfield calendar
type more
robust (allow for full PHP
formatting - possibly).